#FilAm #ChristmasSpirit #loved #Joy #FamilySpirit #Spreadlove #Filipino #Vietnamese #Diversity #Family #Culture #Traditions
In the event where your so far away from your home called Philippines, I realized that acknowledging that your homesick, Yes it okay to be homesick. Acknowledging that your not alone. I have a loving husband, an awesome community of Filipino women who are my mighty prayer warriors, my friends, my go to when I need something, my loving co-workers, my deaf group friends, my small group bible study and my relatives here (my husband side) I felt the loved and joy.
Fun Facts about Philippines during Christmas: We started September and ends up to the first week of January. Don't know who founded but growing up I remember my childhood or even my college days that our big malls started decorating Christmas already, I guess its just a tradition that just started. We love Christmas carols, We love foods and sweet delicacies. We love creating our own Christmas ornaments and decorations.
Per this article says "https://www.you.co.uk/people-put-christmas-decorations-early-happiest/" I guess whoever put Christmas decorations are the happiest person on earth, who says that well, it's me. I myself put my Christmas decorations on the first week of September. My husband compromise on that one, we put the Christmas decorations inside and waited after Halloween to put the outside decorations. Its just reminded me of how Christmas is? It not just the food, the presents but its all about Jesus.
Today, we have a small group Christmas Party and a white elephant exchange gifts. Ate Marlene made a delicious homemade foods. Had had a lot of support and contribution from the team.

We even had a "BH" means bring home food.
Yes, I acknowledge that somedays I missed home because I missed my family but I grateful to have a family here in the US. Loving friends who can rely on, especially this Season.

You can see there genuine lovely and smiley faces. I will see its Christmas all over the world. Its about the giving, sharing and being humble. Its all about Jesus.
Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift! 2 Corinthians 9:15
I'm just overjoyed writing this and I'm forever grateful for the opportunity, the blessings and love I always received.